Missing Pages

21 02 2011

©The Trustees of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin


The pages held over at the Chester Beatty Library are now with us and we are working to put them into the right order with our images.  As the leaves were mounted together, we have had to cut them (in photoshop of course!) to fit into the virtual version of the manuscript.

It may take us a little longer to get these extra images inserted into the the correct place, but the Turning the Pages kiosk, with a test version of the Koran should be available in the Library this week.  We are very excited to see the software in action, and will be looking for feedback.  So come in and give it a go!

الصفحات المفقودة

تم الحصول على الصفحات المفقودة من مكتبة تشستر بيتي و قمنا اخيرا باضافتهم للجهاز اللذي نأمل على تشغيله هذا الاسبوع. و لذا نرجو من المهتمين بالمشروع تجربته و تزويدنا برأيهم عنه



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